Everyone at Chain Joes is a long haul gamer

 The completion of the faint times of gaming is here, and what the future holds is unbelievable! Around here at Chain Joes we're planning to set the gaming scene burning with our Isometric Movement Shooter coming soon to web3. Joined by a friendship for gaming and everything Web3, we're intending to deal with the challenges related with blockchain gaming to make an unrivaled experience for all of our players. We've zeroed in on blowing some people's minds of the compact gaming market for isometric action shooters, and we have a plan to get it moving.

It's with mind blowing delight that we pronounce our game endeavor, Chain Joes.

We are developing Solana not permanently set up to bring one of the most astonishing web3 games to gamers and NFT fans everywhere!

Sooner rather than later, we will uncover more information about our endeavor and our picture, yet for the present, we should share a piece of our perspective that provoked the creation of this endeavor.


Yet again our vision at Chain Joe's is to spread out a Play-AND-Obtain organic framework with first in class continuous cooperation being the focus, so gamers need to return unendingly time.

We would prefer not to shape a gamified financial instrument. There are a great deal of those by and large accessible, and most are significantly flawed.

They offer very little to the gamer and come up short on significance expected to make an attracting and clear insight. In that limit, a huge piece of these "secure first games" have a high turnover of players and unstable economies.

By putting the player's experience first, Chain Joes will be a game gathering need to return to so they can explore, participate in PVP and PVE events, make and re-try their character and that is just a glimpse of something larger.

Everyone at Chain Joes is a long haul gamer. We comprehend what makes a good game, and we comprehend what gamers need. The gathering grew up during the impact of the gaming industry and ended up being veritable geeks who worth fascinating games.

Chain Joes is revolved around the things that really have an effect on gamers, including:

Testing and remunerating PVP and PVE content.

Rich legend and captivating histories.

An extent of solid and remarkable weapons.

Individual ability trees and character improvement.

Fortifying and wise adversaries.

Astonishing opportunities to get and win rewards.

Likewise, significantly more.

By putting the gamer first, we'll build solid areas for a creating neighborhood will incite a consistent economy.

Sharing Our Vision

Our vision and guide for Chain Joes are clear.

6 norms support all we do at Chain Joes to ensure we remain on track and convey the quality and delight our future gamers merit.

We've covered a piece of these at this point, but we can go fairly more significant.

1. Our Play-And-Get model puts gaming first

We want to return the accentuation on giving veritable, quality gaming redirection first, which prompts a prudent, open game economy with life length that people truly need to return to.

2. We should be extensive, with free induction to play

Various players need to play while obtaining, yet a huge requirement of existing NFT games is their high entry obstacle.

By making the game permitted to play, we will ask more clients to join and play, provoking an unrivaled game, a seriously beguiling experience, and a more grounded economy.

3. We're based on the idea of continuous association and mechanics

Extraordinary continuous communication not completely firmly established by the mechanics, which should engage the gamer and make them need to spend something like 20-30 minutes day to day playing.

Chain Joes isn't a gamified financial instrument. We are building a veritable excellent quality AAA game that gamers will value.

4. We're based on the long stretch

As the P&E market is in its starting periods of progress, we're not expecting to sell a 10k NFT grouping.

We intend to offer an "Fundamental battle group" for early partners and free permission to the game.

There will be specific NFT character and weapon packs, as well as exp helps for early partners, which will uphold the players' progression at the fundamental stage, but not ridiculously.

5. Basic access for non-crypto players

Since NFT is a respectably new development, various gamers are unfamiliar to it, so they experience issues joining.

NFTs add new layers of progressing connection and significance to videogames, but most endeavors ignore the way that people could find them unreasonably specific and testing to use.

We really want to change that by offering one small step at a time heading to welcome new players into the game so they can consider betting everything web3.

6. We keep up with that people ought to live it up!

Why in having a game that isn't charming to play? On the whole of in front of you gamers, we love gaming and we really want to pass on a marvelous encounter people will treasure such a ton of they'll bring their sidekicks along too.

Go back and forth alongside Us At Chain Joes

Our gathering of 50+ people, with blue-chip game development, business exercises, and expert advancing experience, are the real thing.

We know who the certified enemies of Web3 are which is the explanation you can fight the Rascals, Developers, and Spammers together in our clowning around and testing PVE games.


More information

Official website: https://chainjoes.com/

Telegram group: https://t.me/chainjoes

Twitter: https://twitter.com/chainjoes

Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@chainjoes

Medium: https://chainjoes.medium.com/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/chainjoes

Sale strategy: https://chainjoes.com/pdfs/Sale_Strategy.pdf

Whitepaper: https://chainjoes.com/pdfs/Whitepaper.pdf

Author Forum Username: siko1

Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2826472 Wallet Address:

BEP20 WALLET: 0x4EE61cA0eD4d6254f884fF27344a0559440c608F


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